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Online Tools that Make Learning Fun!

Writer: Paige KirschPaige Kirsch

I am all about making learning fun—actually, I’m all about making life fun, and learning just happens to fall victim to my mantra. That’s why I devote a lot of my time to finding great games to play that help you learn.

One of those gems that I’ve discovered over the years is Quizlet. To those who already know about it, holy macaroni, isn’t it great?


Quizlet is a website that you can use to make flashcards. Sounds boring, right? Well just you wait friend. You then use those flashcards to automatically generate different learning games and study features. Although it’s got some flaws, Quizlet is my go-to learning tool to help breath some life into an otherwise boring study set. There are seven features that Quizlet offers:

Diving into Quizlet's "Study" Features

The “Learn” feature provides you multiple-choice style questions and the “Write” feature provides “fill in the blank” style questions. Both of these are awesome go-tos when trying to memorize vocabulary. The "Spell" feature is great when learning a foreign language because it will speak the words to you, asking you to spell back the word accurately. The "Test" option combines the Learn, Write, and Spell features together, creating a test to help you practice. I wouldn’t call any of these first four features “games”, but it sure is nice to have a varied way to help you memorize things!

Diving into Quizlet's "Play" Features

The next three options in Quizlet are totally fun! In “Match” you race against a clock to combine the term and definition of each flashcard. I challenge my kids with a “time to beat” and see them go crazy on their computers.

The “Gravity” game is fun (and sometimes frustrating). You must save a planet by entering in the term to the definition that pops up on the screen. If you don’t, an asteroid hits the planet. Ahh!

The “Live” game is great for groups of six or more kids. I play this a lot in my group labs for my hybrid science courses. The kids are divided into teams, and each team gets definitions that match corresponding terms. The catch is that a person only sees 3-4 terms each; they need to collaborate together to see what everyone else has. It’s the perfect game to hold individuals accountable while still working together in a group. This would be great for co-ops!

What are some of your go-to online games for engaging your teenagers? Do you feel like you're always competing against Snapchat for their attention? Share your struggles and your triumphs.



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